Sunday, July 20, 2008

La La Land


I'm in Los Angeles for a few days of beachy-keen fun with my wifey. She arrives tomorrow.
Today, I spent with my good pal, Joel McGee. He's an executive at Game Show Network (insiders just call it "GSN.")
If you've seen "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," or "Deal or No Deal," then you've seen two hit shows that Joel had nothing to do with. He has, however, produced or had a hand in many, many shows over his career, as well as a stint with Animal Planet.
But, I'll always remember him as the other guy on the 10th grade football team that didn't really get to play.

Top down. Thumbs up.

Never a dull moment. Okay, maybe one.

The pier at Redondo beach.

Try, try, try to understand...

Crabs so fresh, they have their own barnacles.

Your gonna need a bigger boat.

Manhattan Beach.

Joel just bought a $100 iron (no, really!) and asked Jean if he could use Febreeze instead of water for the steam valve. The Febreeze idea was mine. I've wanted to try that for a long time.