Monday, May 12, 2008

Round and Round We Go

I need your help!
Sometimes with the direct overhead camera, you have to rotate the photo until the content of the photo looks "appropriate." With the camera on the same plane with the floor, the idea of a horizontal or vertical frame goes out the window, and you end up with a "which way is up" scenario. In this case, I never could decide. Please respond with your vote on which of the three look best. Thanks!

I guess you could vote "none" as well. It won't hurt my feelings (too much).

Anyhoo, this is the game four you didn't see:

Craig Sager: "Eva, you have such pretty toes. They look like mine!"
Eva: "Please Craig, you're creeping me out. Take your fetish elsewhere."

Tony: "Craig, please...stay away from my wife, or mon dieu, I don't know what I'll do!"

Coach Popovich: "Tony, you gotta punch that guy in the groin!"


Unknown said...

I like the orientation of the first photo.

Phil said...

That woman has gorgeous feet!